The Treatment Team of the VTC is chaired by Judge Jill T. Worthington. The Treatment
Team is responsible for the daily operations of the specialized docket. Treatment Team
members agree to serve on the Treatment Team for a minimum of two years. The VTC program values
a stable, consistent team membership and strives to maintain membership for longer than
two years. In addition to the duties with the daily functions of the Treatment Team, the members of
the Treatment Team agree to work with, and provide education to, local community leaders
and agencies.
The VTC incorporates a non-adversarial approach while recognizing the role of
prosecutors, defense counsel, and probation. Treatment Team members shall engage in
on-going communication including frequent exchanges of timely and accurate information about the
participant's overall performance.
The VTC Treatment Team shall meet two times per month prior to the Status Hearing. Each
member shall be responsible for providing updated information on participants. The
following reports are required at Treatment Team meetings for participants appearing on
the docket:
A written Progress Report from the Veterans Justice Outreach
Coordinator/Westwood Behavioral updating treatment progress and compliance;
notifying team of upcoming appointments and setting out a plan for goals contained in the
treatment plan. For non-VA connected participants completing community-based treatment,
the Probation Officer shall be responsible for providing updates and written reports.
A written Progress Report from the Probation Department including recent drug
screen results and compliance with reporting,
A verbal or written report from the Peer Mentor Coordinator, and
Verbal reports from other treatment and service providers as needed.
The Probation Officer shall be responsible for maintaining these records. A file shall
be kept for each participant, containing a record of court appearances, progress
reports, Therapeutic Adjustments, and other pertinent Treatment Team information. These records
shall not be maintained in the criminal files of the defendants as those files are public information
and shall not contain health and treatment records. All files shall be kept in a secure
file in the Probation Department of the Municipal Court.
The Probation Officer shall be the main contact for dissemination of pertinent
information outside of the Treatment Team meetings. All Treatment Team members shall
make the Probation Officer aware of important information as needed and the Probation Officer
shall make that information available to the necessary members as needed.