Seal of Ohio

Van Wert Municipal Court

Courts Assisting Military Offenders - Roles & Responsibilities

Specific Roles and Responsibilities of Treatment Team Members
  • Is the Chair of the Advisory Committee and shall attend Advisory Committee meetings,
  • Is the Chair of the Treatment Team, and shall attend the Treatment Team meetings prior to the Status Hearings
  • Has the discretion to decide the admission and termination from the VTC in accordance with the written legal and clinical criteria set forth in these policies,
  • Shall be knowledgeable about treatment and programming methods and limitations (including the limitations of local resources; and clinical concepts such as stages of change),
  • Is the final decision-maker concerning incentives, Therapeutic Adjustments, phase advancement, and successful completion and termination from the program,
  • Shall discuss progress with each participant at Status Review Hearings, and
  • Shall have a dedicated docket that meets two times per month.
Probation Officer:
  • Monitors compliance with supervision plan,
  • Conducts random alcohol and drug tests, and reports the results of tests to the Treatment Team,
  • Monitors Therapeutic Adjustments
  • Visits the participants at home, school, or other locations as needed or directed by the judge,
  • Attends Treatment Team meetings and Status Review Hearings,
  • Informs the Treatment Team whether treatment plan, supervision plan, and court orders are followed,
  • During Treatment Team meetings, provides progress reports and recommendations, and
  • Participates in discussions about incentives, Therapeutic Adjustments, phase advancement, successful completion, and termination.
Veterans Justice Outreach Coordinator/Westwood Behavioral:
  • Is the primary treatment provider for the Veterans Court,
  • Is responsible for maintaining an ongoing treatment plan that includes behavioral health, housing, benefits, occupational and vocational goals,
  • Attends all treatment teams and reports on compliance with treatment plan,
  • Provides access to regular appointments with Psychiatrist and other properly licensed therapists, counselors and case managers
  • Provides a dedicated team of specialists to the VTC,
  • Submits Progress Reports to the court at Treatment Team meetings
  • Conducts diagnostic assessments, provides the clinical diagnosis, and develops the treatment plan,
  • Makes recommendations at Treatment Team meetings concerning treatment needs,
  • Makes referrals to other agencies,
  • Attends appointments to provide assistance,
  • Participates in discussions regarding incentives, Therapeutic Adjustments, phase advancement, successful completion, and termination, and
  • Representative shall be a licensed clinical professional.
Van Wert Veterans Service Commission:
  • Representative attends Treatment Team meetings and reports on participants currently receiving assistance through the Veterans Service Commission
  • Completes assessment to determine qualification for discharge upgrades, emergency financial services, and other resources, and
  • Makes recommendations at Treatment Team meetings concerning resources for veterans.
City Law Director:
  • Identifies eligible defendants for the specialized docket in accordance with the specialized docket written criteria,
  • Attends Treatment Team meetings and Status Review Hearings.
  • Participates in discussions regarding incentives, Therapeutic Adjustments, phase advancement, successful completion, and termination,
  • The VTC promotes a non-adversarial approach while recognizing that the prosecutor has a distinct role in pursuing justice, protecting public safety and protecting victim's rights.
  • The prosecutor has the distinct role in pursuing justice and protecting public safety and victim’s rights.
Defense Counsel:
  • Each Participant has the right for Defense counsel to attend Treatment Team meetings and Status Review Hearings
  • It is anticipated that the vast majority of participants will be represented by the Van Wert County Public Defender Office or trained volunteer attorneys. However, applicants are free to hire counsel of their choosing.
  • Upon participant's request, defense counsel must be present during any Status Review Hearing or Treatment Team meetings.
  • Assists with decision-making regarding participation in the VTC,
  • Explains to participants what rights are waived by entering the program,
  • Consults with prosecutor concerning Alternative Diversion,
  • Explains the possible Therapeutic Adjustments that may be imposed for program non-compliance,
  • Explains the circumstances that may lead to termination,
  • Explains the effect that termination from the VTC docket may have on the participant's case,
  • Participates in discussions regarding incentives, Therapeutic Adjustments, phase advancement, successful completion, and termination,
  • The VTC promotes a non-adversarial approach while recognizing that the defense counsel has a distinct role in preserving the constitutional rights of the participant.
Specialized Docket Program Coordinator:
  • Facilitates the specialized docket in accordance with the written program description,
  • Assists with identifying potential participants,
  • Assists the participant in all phases including the orientations phase,
  • Collects and maintains statistical information and other confidential records concerning participants, collects data from service providers, and creates reports for review and submission to funding sources,
  • Gathers progress reports from treatment and service providers to present to the treatment team,
  • Ensures that Treatment Team members follow program policies and procedures,
  • Monitors service provider agreements and contracts and monitors the services to participants,
  • Plans and facilitates Advisory Committee meetings,
  • Coordinates specialized docket team professional trainings,
  • Monitors compliance with Therapeutic Adjustments,
  • Attends Treatment Team meetings and Status Review Hearings, and
  • Participates in discussions regarding incentives, Therapeutic Adjustments, phase advancement, successful completion, and termination.
Peer Mentors & Peer Mentor Coordinator:
  • Peer Mentors will not attend the Treatment Team meetings.
  • Peer Mentors will meet regularly with the participant.
  • Peer Mentors will provide the participants with contact information for crisis intervention.
  • Peer Mentor Coordinator will attend Treatment Team meetings.
  • Peer Mentor Coordinator will recruit Peer Mentors.
  • Peer Mentor Coordinator will educate Peer Mentors as to their roles and responsibilities.
  • Peer Mentor Coordinator will monitor Peer Mentors.